Results for 'Francesco Di Lorenzo'

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  1.  25
    Social Enterprises, Venture Philanthropy and the Alleviation of Income Inequality.Francesco Di Lorenzo & Mariarosa Scarlata - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):307-323.
    Building on the literature on hybrid organizations, this manuscript explores the relationship between the organizational activity of social enterprises backed by venture philanthropy investors and income inequality. Using Ashoka’s portfolio of Indian social enterprises as empirical context of Western venture philanthropy investing activity, our results suggest that Indian municipalities with social enterprises that have received venture philanthropy investments experience a decrease in income inequality level and when these social enterprises are dominated by a collectivistic organizational identity orientation the effect is (...)
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    Does written informed consent adequately inform surgical patients? A cross sectional study.Erminia Agozzino, Sharon Borrelli, Mariagrazia Cancellieri, Fabiola Michela Carfora, Teresa Di Lorenzo & Francesco Attena - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1.
    Informed consent is an essential step in helping patients be aware of consequences of their treatment decisions. With surgery, it is vitally important for patients to understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and decide accordingly. We explored whether a written IC form was provided to patients; whether they read and signed it; whether they communicated orally with the physician; whether these communications influenced patient decisions. Adult postsurgical patients in nine general hospitals of Italy’s Campania Region were interviewed via (...)
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    Comparison of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as Adjunctive Treatments for Recurrent Depression: The European Depression EMDR Network Randomized Controlled Trial.Luca Ostacoli, Sara Carletto, Marco Cavallo, Paula Baldomir-Gago, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Isabel Fernandez, Michael Hase, Ania Justo-Alonso, Maria Lehnung, Giuseppe Migliaretti, Francesco Oliva, Marco Pagani, Susana Recarey-Eiris, Riccardo Torta, Visal Tumani, Ana I. Gonzalez-Vazquez & Arne Hofmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. Pathophysiological Bases of Comorbidity in Migraine.Claudia Altamura, Ilenia Corbelli, Marina de Tommaso, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Antonio Di Renzo, Massimo Filippi, Tommaso B. Jannini, Roberta Messina, Pasquale Parisi, Vincenzo Parisi, Francesco Pierelli, Innocenzo Rainero, Umberto Raucci, Elisa Rubino, Paola Sarchielli, Linxin Li, Fabrizio Vernieri, Catello Vollono & Gianluca Coppola - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:640574.
    Despite that it is commonly accepted that migraine is a disorder of the nervous system with a prominent genetic basis, it is comorbid with a plethora of medical conditions. Several studies have found bidirectional comorbidity between migraine and different disorders including neurological, psychiatric, cardio- and cerebrovascular, gastrointestinal, metaboloendocrine, and immunological conditions. Each of these has its own genetic load and shares some common characteristics with migraine. The bidirectional mechanisms that are likely to underlie this extensive comorbidity between migraine and other (...)
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    Unsupervised and supervised text similarity systems for automated identification of national implementing measures of European directives.Rohan Nanda, Giovanni Siragusa, Luigi Di Caro, Guido Boella, Lorenzo Grossio, Marco Gerbaudo & Francesco Costamagna - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (2):199-225.
    The automated identification of national implementations of European directives by text similarity techniques has shown promising preliminary results. Previous works have proposed and utilized unsupervised lexical and semantic similarity techniques based on vector space models, latent semantic analysis and topic models. However, these techniques were evaluated on a small multilingual corpus of directives and NIMs. In this paper, we utilize word and paragraph embedding models learned by shallow neural networks from a multilingual legal corpus of European directives and national legislation (...)
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  6. Lodi e canto di S. Francesco al Bon Signore per la fraternità e nella vita: Lo spirito di assisi.Lorenzo di Fonzo - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (3-4):473-491.
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    Più di trent'anni di dialogo: il carteggio tra Francesco Arcangeli e Vittorio Sereni.Lorenzo Carpinelli - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 77 (1):63-72.
    Lo studio del rapporto epistolare intercorso tra Francesco Arcangeli e Vittorio Sereni contribuisce a precisare alcune caratteristiche culturali ed emotive delle personalità dei due intellettuali. In più di trent’anni di schietto e profondo dialogo, in grado di attraversare l’angosciante atmosfera del fascismo ormai in declino, i drammi del conflitto mondiale e la rinascita, almeno apparente, del paese, a emergere, lettera dopo lettera, è la continua fedeltà dei due corrispondenti – pur nella diversità di opinioni, sia in letteratura che in (...)
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    Un catalogo per la collezione di Francesco Molinari.Lorenzo Napodano - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (1):153-173.
    Dopo aver svelato parte della storia e dell’attività di Giulio Sambon (1837-1921) con la sua «Impresa di Vendite in Italia» a Milano, Firenze, Roma e Napoli,1 si propone un approfondimento sul suo incontro con il mercante d’arte Francesco Molinari (1813-1866). Quest’ultimo, attivo in Italia e probabilmente anche in Europa, si colloca nel panorama del collezionismo milanese della seconda metà dell’Ottocento con una particolare attenzione alle opere d’arte lombarda, configurandosi un crocevia ancora non indagato del secolo dei conoscitori. L’occasione che (...)
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    Michele Di Francesco, L’io e i suoi sé. Identità personale e scienza della mente (Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1998). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (25):636-38.
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    Designing Awe in Virtual Reality: An Experimental Study.Alice Chirico, Francesco Ferrise, Lorenzo Cordella & Andrea Gaggioli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  11.  24
    Conoscenza, linguaggio e azione: studi in onore di Francesca Di Lorenzo.Claudia Rosciglione & Francesca Di Lorenzo Ajello (eds.) - 2021 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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    Auto dialogue. Rome : une ville sans abris, un peuple sans terre.Francesco Careri & Lorenzo Romito - 2009 - Rue Descartes 63 (1):98.
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    Becoming Eusapia: The rise of the “Diva of Scientists”.Francesco Paolo de Ceglia & Lorenzo Leporiere - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (4):441-471.
    ArgumentEusapia Palladino (1854-1918) is remembered as one of the most famous mediums in the history of spiritualism. Renowned scientists attended her séances in Europe and in the United States. They often had to admit to being unable to understand the origin of the phenomena produced. Cesare Lombroso, for example, after meeting Eusapia, was converted first to mediumism, then spiritualism. This article will retrace the early stages of her career as a medium and shed light on the way she managed to (...)
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    Was anybody ever a realist? A sceptical view on the distinction between political realism and liberalism.Francesco Raschi & Lorenzo Zambernardi - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (3):370-383.
    ABSTRACTIn recent years, a wealth of new work has been published on political realism. Despite the undeniable merits of this scholarship in enlightening the richness of the tradition, realism remains a profoundly contested school whose distinctive properties are still uncertain. The present paper aims to argue that the numerous, opposing readings of realism are not simply a result of the richness and complexity of this tradition, but rather of its intrinsically indeterminate nature. In order to make the point, we compare (...)
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  15. Adorno e il" divieto linguistico"(Sprachverbot) beckettiano: possibilità e limiti della comunicazione come pratica della differenza nel pensiero di Theodor W. Adorno.Francesca Paola di Lorenzo - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Conoscenza e immaginazione nel pensiero di Theodor W. Adorno.Francesca Di Lorenzo Ajello - 2001 - Roma: Carocci.
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  17.  19
    Brain Responses to Faces and Facial Expressions in 5-Month-Olds: An fNIRS Study.Renata Di Lorenzo, Anna Blasi, Caroline Junge, Carlijn van den Boomen, Rianne van Rooijen & Chantal Kemner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18. Reassessment of Leggett Inequality.Antonio Di Lorenzo - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):685-698.
    Leggett formulated an inequality that seems to generalize the Bell theorem to non-local hidden variable theories. Leggett inequality is violated by quantum mechanics, as was confirmed by experiment. However, a careful analysis reveals that the theory applies to a class of local theory. Contrary to what happens in the derivation of Bell inequality, it is not necessary to make the hypothesis of outcome independence to derive the Leggett inequality.
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  19.  55
    Altered resting-state EEG source functional connectivity in schizophrenia: the effect of illness duration.Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Andrea Daverio, Fabiola Ferrentino, Emiliano Santarnecchi, Fabio Ciabattini, Leonardo Monaco, Giulia Lisi, Ylenia Barone, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Cinzia Niolu, Stefano Seri & Alberto Siracusano - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20.  39
    Basic tastes as cognitive concepts and taste coding as more than spatial.Patricia M. Di Lorenzo & Jen-Yung Chen - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (1):78-79.
    Erickson's treatise intertwines and confuses two major, but separable, issues: whether there are basic tastes and how taste stimuli are encoded. The idea of basic tastes may reflect a natural process of concept formation. By only discussing two spatial coding schemes for taste, Erickson ignores the temporal dimension of taste responses and the contribution of neuronal cooperativity.
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  21.  7
    Il "dono degli dèi": la dialettica nel Filebo.Carmen Di Lorenzo - 2021 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici press.
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  22. Praxis epistémicas emancipatorias.María José Vila Costa Y. Mariano Harracá Di Lorenzo - 2021 - In Esteban Vergalito & Marco G. Mallamaci, Praxis, conocimiento y emancipación: indagaciones de epistemología política. San Juan, Argentina: Editorial UNSJ.
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  23.  59
    The Collection Form and the Art of Memory in the Libellus super ludo schachorum of Jacobus de Cessolis.Raymond D. Di Lorenzo - 1973 - Mediaeval Studies 35 (1):205-221.
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  24.  40
    Machiavelli's Sketches of Francesco Valori and the Reconstruction of Florentine History.Mark Jurdjevic - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (2):185-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.2 (2002) 185-206 [Access article in PDF] Machiavelli's Sketches of Francesco Valori and the Reconstruction of Florentine History Mark Jurdjevic... As for the lies of these citizens of Carpi, I can surpass them all, because it has been a long time since I became a doctor of that art... for some time now I have never said what I believed and never (...)
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  25.  58
    Business ethics: Law as a determinant of business conduct. [REVIEW]Vincent Di Lorenzo - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (3):275-299.
    The Principles of Corporate Governance require that business conduct conform to the law. In recent years, news reports of business misconduct have cast doubt on a conclusion that conformity is the prevalent practice. This article explores the influence of law on business conduct by comparing the law’s requirements and purposes with actual business conduct in the market. Specifically, it explores whether certain legal regimes are more effective than others in inducing greater commitment to legal compliance by corporate actors. The conclusion (...)
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  26.  57
    Reply to Valdas Noreika’s commentary on Zanasi, M., Calisti, F., Di Lorenzo, G., Valerio, G., & Siracusano, A. . Oneiric activity in schizophrenia: Textual analysis of dream reports. [REVIEW]Marco Zanasi, Fabrizio Calisti, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Giulia Valerio & Alberto Siracusano - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):353-354.
  27.  58
    Neurobiological response to EMDR therapy in clients with different psychological traumas.Marco Pagani, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Leonardo Monaco, Andrea Daverio, Ioannis Giannoudas, Patrizia La Porta, Anna R. Verardo, Cinzia Niolu, Isabel Fernandez & Alberto Siracusano - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  28.  48
    Oneiric activity in schizophrenia: Textual analysis of dream reports.Marco Zanasi, Fabrizio Calisti, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Giulia Valerio & Alberto Siracusano - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):337-348.
    This work evaluated the structure of dreams in people affected by schizophrenia. The verbal reports of 123 schizophrenic patients were compared with 123 dream reports from a control group. In accordance with the Jungian conceptualization of, dreams as texts, dream reports were assessed using textual analysis processing techniques.Significant differences were found in textual parameters, showing that the dreams reports of schizophrenic patients differ from those of the control group. It is thus possible that schizophrenia probably underlies changes in the oneiric (...)
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  29.  66
    Decline of Neuropsychological Abilities in a Large Sample of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study.Martina Borghi, Sara Carletto, Luca Ostacoli, Francesco Scavelli, Lorenzo Pia, Marco Pagani, Antonio Bertolotto, Simona Malucchi, Alessio Signori & Marco Cavallo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  30.  28
    Adorno e il "divieto linguistico" (sprachverbot) beckettiano.Francesca Di Lorenzo Ajello - 2005 - Idee 58:49-62.
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    Neuromuscular transmission studied with SFEMG in migraine with aura: phenotypic correlations in 93 patients.Ambrosini Anna, Di Lorenzo Cherubino, di Clemente Laura, Bohotin Valentin, Maertens De Noordhout Alain & Schoenen Jean - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  32.  41
    Psychological and Brain Connectivity Changes Following Trauma-Focused CBT and EMDR Treatment in Single-Episode PTSD Patients.Emiliano Santarnecchi, Letizia Bossini, Giampaolo Vatti, Andrea Fagiolini, Patrizia La Porta, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Alberto Siracusano, Simone Rossi & Alessandro Rossi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  33. Grounding, Quantifiers, and Paradoxes.Francesco A. Genco, Francesca Poggiolesi & Lorenzo Rossi - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (6):1417-1448.
    The notion of grounding is usually conceived as an objective and explanatory relation. It connects two relata if one—the ground—determines or explains the other—the consequence. In the contemporary literature on grounding, much effort has been devoted to logically characterize the formal aspects of grounding, but a major hard problem remains: defining suitable grounding principles for universal and existential formulae. Indeed, several grounding principles for quantified formulae have been proposed, but all of them are exposed to paradoxes in some very natural (...)
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    Metabolic and Electrophysiological Changes Associated to Clinical Improvement in Two Severely Traumatized Subjects Treated With EMDR—A Pilot Study.Marco Pagani, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Andrea Daverio, Patrizia La Porta, Leonardo Monaco, Fabiola Ferrentino, Agostino Chiaravalloti, Isabel Fernandez & Giorgio Di Lorenzo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35.  15
    Mental Health Outcomes Among Healthcare Workers and the General Population During the COVID-19 in Italy.Rodolfo Rossi, Valentina Socci, Francesca Pacitti, Sonia Mensi, Antinisca Di Marco, Alberto Siracusano & Giorgio Di Lorenzo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers in Italy have been exposed to an unprecedented pressure and traumatic events. However, no direct comparison with the general population is available so far. The aim of this study is to detail mental health outcomes in healthcare workers compared to the general population.Methods24050 respondents completed an on-line questionnaire during the contagion peak, 21342 general population, 1295 second-line healthcare workers, and 1411 front-line healthcare workers. Depressive, anxious, post-traumatic symptoms and insomnia were assessed. Specific COVID-19 related (...)
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  36.  43
    Internet Addiction and Related Clinical Problems: A Study on Italian Young Adults.Lorenzo Zamboni, Igor Portoghese, Alessio Congiu, Silvia Carli, Ruggero Munari, Angela Federico, Francesco Centoni, Adelelmo Lodi Rizzini & Fabio Lugoboni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The considerable prominence of internet addiction (IA) in adolescence is at least partly explained by the limited knowledge thus far available on this complex phenomenon. In discussing IA, it is necessary to be aware that this is a construct for which there is still no clear definition in the literature. Nonetheless, its important clinical implications, as emerging in recent years, justify the lively interest of researchers in this new form of behavioral addiction. Over the years, studies have associated IA with (...)
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  37.  14
    Francesco di Meyronnes: Liberta e contingenza nel pensiero tardo-medievale.Francesco Fiorentino - 2006 - Rome: Edizioni Antonianum.
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  38.  50
    Francesco di Meyronnes e la relazione tra la volunà divina e quella umana dopo Duns Scoto.Francesco Fiorentino - 2005 - Franciscan Studies 63 (1):159-214.
  39.  54
    Role of Country- and Firm-Level Determinants in Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure.Maria Baldini, Lorenzo Dal Maso, Giovanni Liberatore, Francesco Mazzi & Simone Terzani - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):79-98.
    In recent years, companies receive pressure to release environmental, social, and governance disclosure, since these are perceived as critical issues by society. Despite this pressure, ESG disclosure practices considerably vary by firm. Prior academic literature investigated country- and firm-level factors determining such variation, alternatively adopting the institutional and legitimacy theory. By combining these theories in a unique framework, this study investigates the extent to which social structures and social legitimization influence ESG disclosure practices and each pillar. Results obtained using a (...)
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  40. Ob rogatum meorum sociorum: studi in memoria di Lorenzo Pozzi.Lorenzo Pozzi, Stefano Caroti & Roberto Pinzani (eds.) - 2000 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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  41.  9
    Parlare di oggetti: teorie del senso e del riferimento.Michele Di Francesco - 1986 - Unicopli.
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  42. Maestri di morale.Francesco di Maria - 1999 - Cosenza: Brenner.
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    Seminario di bioetica: Perugia, anno accademico 2005-2006.Francesco Di Pilla (ed.) - 2008 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Percorsi di filosofia contemporanea: analisi e critica storiografica.Anna Escher di Stefano & Francesco Coniglione - 1992 - C.U.E.C.M.
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    ‘I know this whole market is based on the trust you put in me and I don’t take that lightly’: Trust, community and discourse in crypto-drug markets.Matteo Di Cristofaro & Nuria Lorenzo-Dus - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (6):608-626.
    This study uses a Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies methodology to provide the first systematic analysis of how trust is discursively constructed in crypto-drug markets. The data come from two purpose-built corpora. One comprises all the forum messages posted on the flag ship crypto-drug market Silk Road during the years in which it traded on the hidden net. The other corpus comprises all the reports published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime during the same period. Our analysis of (...)
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  46.  43
    The Experience of Pleasure: A Perspective Between Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis.Lorenzo Moccia, Marianna Mazza, Marco Di Nicola & Luigi Janiri - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:391970.
    Pleasure is more than a mere sensory event, but rather it can be conceptualized as a complex, multiform experience involving memory, motivation, homeostasis, and, sometimes, negative affects. According to Freud, affect is a perceptual modality that registers the internal drive state of the subject rather than the objective experience of the external world, and the quality of this perceptual modality is calibrated in degrees of pleasure and displeasure. Within this conceptual framework, the aim of drive is always pleasure, and objects (...)
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  47.  8
    A proposito di libertà.Michele Di Francesco (ed.) - 2009 - Milano: San Raffaele.
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    Saggio sul pensiero di Giulio Preti: un punto di vista cattolico.Francesco di Maria - 2019 - [Rome]: Stamen.
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    World 3 and Methodological Individualism in Popper’s Thought.Francesco Di Iorio - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (4):352-374.
    Popper’s theory of World 3 is often regarded as incongruent with his defense of methodological individualism. This article criticizes this widespread view. Methodological individualism is said to be at odds with three crucial assumptions of the theory of World 3: the impossibility of reducing World 3 to subjective mental states because it exists objectively, the view that the mental functions cannot be explained by assuming that individuals are isolated atoms, and the idea that World 3 has causal power and influences (...)
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  50.  1
    The self and its defences.M. Di Francesco, M. Marraffa & A. Paternoster - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book we offer a theory of the self, whose core ideas are that the self is a process of self-representing, and this process aims mainly at defending the self-conscious subject against the threat of its metaphysical inconsistence. In other words, the self is essentially a repertoire of psychological manoeuvres whose outcome is a self-representation aimed at coping with the fundamental fragility of the human subject. Our picture of the self differs from both the idealist and the eliminative approaches (...)
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